My maiden speech after being elected as Leas Cathaoirleach of the DLR County at the Council’s AGM on 21st June, 2024. Please keep me in your prayers so that I can fulfil my responsibilities with honesty & integrity…
Thank you all!
My maiden speech in the Council after being elected Leas Cathaoirleach.
Housing is one of my priority areas and improving access to affordable housing is an area of concern I have been working on. As a renter for the last 18 years and living locally in Sandyford, I understand how hard it is for young people to afford or own a house in the area. A report from the Simon Communities of Ireland showed that there was a stark decline of 92% in the first quarter of 2022 of the number of affordable houses for people reliant on the Housing Assistance Payment Scheme since June 2021, when there were 906 properties available countrywide.
The current rise in family homelessness is driven primarily by the dynamics of the housing market. We need to concentrate on creating a more equitable housing system for everyone. Everyone needs somewhere to live and everyone should be able to call a home their own.
Motion 13th May 2024
This Council knows the importance of housing for struggling working and young families, as most houses in DLR County are not affordable. Taking that and the current homelessness crisis into consideration, DLR County Council ask the CEO to write to Minister for Housing to increase affordable housing in Dun Laoghaire County Council, so that young generation & struggling working families can have homeownership within affordability and thereby avoid the risk of homelessness.
Housing is my top priority and I will keep on raising my voice for it continuously.
‘That this committee requests CEO to bring all derelict and vacant sites within the remit of this area committee in proper use immediately (specially for housing) as these are causing eyesore for general public and take proper action on those sites where planning permission has been expired (Sentinel Building, Sandyford for example)’
Motion from 2021 about affordable hosuing and DLRCoCo will have the affordable housing in 2024 if all goes smoothly.
‘This council agrees to write to the the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage Darragh O’Brien, TD to request an update on the provision of the affordable housing regulations and urging him to bring forward a scheme as soon as possible’
Inclusive Playground
So happy to see my motion passed in DLRCoCo area meeting and glad to find out from the report that they are going to put communication displays in Children Playgrounds within Dundrum, Stillorgan and Sandyford as there is none at the moment. This will make our parks and playgrounds more inclusive & friendly.
Motion: Councillor Kazi Ahmed
“That the Chief Executive agrees to put communication displays in all Childrens playgrounds within the remit of this Area Committee to make it more inclusive and friendly. Picture attached for similar displays in other areas in Ireland.
We would be very much in favor of ensuring our playgrounds are fully inclusive and are open to looking at different ways of ensuring this. We will consider putting a similar sign into one of our regional playgrounds to ascertain how effective or used it is, in the first instance and if effective, we can look at putting more in place.
Owner: Senior Executive Parks Superintendent
Children’s playground
“That this Area Committee agrees that there is a huge necessity of a children’s playground in Sandyford area (Kilcross and Sandyford Village) as the population is increasing and lots of young families are raising their small children struggling to facilitate them with playgrounds, close to their homes as playgrounds can increase the wellbeing among the local residents of all age groups in those areas and enhance social inclusion.”
Facilities for Youth
“That the Chief Executive improves facilities/amenities for youths (13-19 years) in the remit of this Area Committee, as this cohort has limited opportunities to do outdoor activities during evenings and weekends. Bear in mind that there is not enough green space in the area with outdoor amenities.”
Multipurpose Pitch
Motion: Councillor K. Ahmed
‘This committee requests the Chief Executive to make multipurpose pitch in Ballyogan and Marlay Park, so that diverse communities in the area can play their favourite sports. It requires minimal maintenance and maximizes playing time during year’
County Development Plan (2022-2028)
I put four motions in County Development Plan and four of them have been passed in the Council (agreed by all Councillors) and adopted & enacted by Council in 2022.
Rooftop Gardens
That this Planning Authority pursuant to Section 12 (6) of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) resolves to amend the Draft Development Plan as follows:
That the Council adopts a policy in line with SEA, EIA & CCAP under County Development plan (2022-2028) and planning development act 2000, to initiate all season intensive rooftop gardens in future multicomplex development of apartment buildings within DLR County.
Playground Motion
That this Planning Authority pursuant to Section 12 (6) of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) resolves to amend the Draft Development Plan as follows:
In recognition of the fact that there are more children’s playground required in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County as:
- the population is increasing,
- lots of young families are raising their small children struggling to facilitate them with playgrounds, close to their homes,
- playgrounds can increase the wellbeing among the local resident of all age groups in those areas and enhance social inclusion.
Add the following to the end of the first paragraph following Policy Objective OSR13 (page188).
It is an objective of this Plan to support the Parks and Landscape Section in their endeavour to provide a playground within a 1.2-kilometre radius of most residents within the urban area, thus recognising the importance of play facilities for the wellbeing of children and their families.
That this Planning Authority pursuant to Section 12 (6) of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) resolves to amend the Draft Development Plan as follows –
Residential development should be set back from roads/rail lines such that amenities of residents are not unduly impacted upon by reason of noise. To address potential noise issues at post development stage, mitigation measures should be undertaken, where appropriate, between the residential development and road/rail line. At design stage consideration should be given to the location of bedrooms so as to ensure the least possible impact from noise sources. Similar mitigation measures may also be required when dealing with commercial development in close proximity to residential areas where there may be noise generated from the completed development – such developments will be assessed on a case by cases basis.
Youth Centres
“Sustainable neighbourhood infrastructure includes land or buildings that serve the needs of the local and wider community for social, educational, health, religious, recreational and leisure, community, cultural, and civic needs. These facilities and services may be provided by public sector bodies, the community themselves or by the private sector. Facilities and services include, but are not limited to – schools, third level education, places of worship, hospitals, health centres/GP’s, community centres, youth centres, leisure centres, family resource centres, libraries, church/parish halls, meeting rooms, scout dens, men’s sheds, theatres and civic offices.”

Multicultural community centre
Integration of diverse communities
Cleaning up derelict & vacant sites under 2014 local government act
‘Considering the importance of trees in human life, ecosystem and sustainable environment the CEO agrees to plant more trees in high density areas within the county in appropriate spaces nearby and also retain mature trees in new developments . The CEO also engage & involve local school pupil in planting trees by a competition in the school to raise awareness of the importance of trees in our life’