Elected Councillior for Glencullen-Sandyford
I am honoured and privileged to be a Councillor for my area. I am passionate about our diverse community. I intend to represent you to the best of my ability and I want to make our neighbourhood an even better place to live and raise families.
Since elected in May 2019, I am working wholeheartedly on the following issues and have debated few motions on different issues and still more to accomplish.
• Sustainable infrastructure – networked transport with environmental friendly vehicles, hybrid passenger ships, more schools, planting more trees in high density areas, proper developments in the area
• Disability & special needs category– Timely assessment for children with special needs, improved healthcare packages, accessible public transport, service for elderly people
• Affordable childcare – more hours for free childcare with more créche places
• Support arts, community & sports- working with local TD for this matter
Tree preservation and open space in new developments and parks including existing parks
• Minimising traffic congestion in new developments & increasing Luas
• Proper utilisation of corporate & property tax
• Affordable Housing– more affordable housing and rents (I believe housing is a right).
• Vacant site into use– Turn into youth centres or any meaningful use for the community
• More Garda visibility in local roads and residential areas
• Encourage business growth locally.
If you like to know more about me, please visit my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/kazi.ahmed.54540 ) or my LinkedIn page (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kmahmed/)
•Living and working in Sandyford for more than 16 years with my wife & two children.
• One of the proudest moment in my life was becoming an
Irish Citizen in 2012.
• Professional individual with keen interest in Irish & European Politics and
local community affairs
• This country and local community has given me so much in
life and now I want to contribute even more to the
community that I consider my very own.
• I have a strong business background holding a MSc. & MBA
in International Business and having worked in major
companies in the area of IT, Sales, International Marketing, Public Service &
Project Management for more than 18 years.
• Actively participated in many social & political campaign
and also involved with DLR Ethnic Minority Integration Forum
• Volunteered in many activities and an organiser for a family led
orphanage for many years
• Living and working locally and involved in community affairs
I am an alumni of the following Universities &Colleges
- Dublin City University (https://www.dcu.ie/)
- Trinity College Dublin (https://www.tcd.ie/)
- University College Dublin (http://www.ucd.ie/)
- Griffith College Dublin (https://www.griffith.ie/)
- Institute of Public Administration ( https://www.ipa.ie/)
- Jhenidah Cadet College ( https://jcc.army.mil.bd/#/) (http://webmeeting-jcc.com/)
My maiden speech after being elected as Leas Cathaoirleach of the DLR County at the Council’s AGM on 21st June, 2024. Please keep me in your prayers so that I can fulfil my responsibilities with honesty & integrity…
Thank you all!
My speech after being elected as a Leas Cathoirleach!
Married with Nahid and father of two kids (Sarrinah and Safwan)